Soviet Invasion & Occupation
Eastern Poland
The following is a transcript of the booklet "Eastern Poland," first published in December 1941, by the Polish Research Centre in London, England.
The purpose of this relatively non-political summary was to provide English politicians, scholars and diplomats a quick background on Polish history and the situation in Poland up until the time of the Second World War. Despite the large volume of dry statistics and scholarly language, one will find many fascinating insights into inter-war Poland.
Polish Census of December 1931
The following provides information about the population, the various ethnic groups, the various religious groups, and the counties of Poland in 1931.
The Germans and Soviets Invade
In 1918, the Polish army had just been resurrected after 120 years of non-existence. Poland had been ruled by the Germans, Austrians and Russians since the late 1700s.
In the wake of the devastation caused by the First World War (1914-18) and the Polish-Soviet War (1918-20), Poland had only just begun to rebuild and re-equip its armed forces (and shattered economy). In September of 1939, Poland's young army of 1.25 million troops faced off against the well trained and well equipped German forces of 1.5 million troops on the western front, followed 2 weeks later by the Soviet Union's 1.9 million troops on the eastern front.
They did not stand a chance but nonetheless held out for 5 weeks (later France, with British help, gave up after only 6 weeks). Neither the Polish government, nor the Polish army, ever signed an act of surrender.
Soviet Invasion: Battles and War Crimes
This document includes the following information:
The Polish-Soviet War of 1918-20
The Soviet occupation and deportations
Stories from the front
Declarations and Exhortation to Polish Soldiers
Soviet War Crimes during and after the invasion
The Death Marches of the summer of 1941
Atrocities committed later during the war
Those left behind by General Anders' Army
Soviet Occupation 1939
This document includes:
The pamphlet "The Soviet Occupation of Poland"
Stories of the deportations to Siberia
The document "Annexation of Eastern Poland by the U.S.S.R."
Second Soviet Invasion
This document includes:
Destruction of the Home Army
i) Turza Wood
ii) Polish Communists Aid the Soviets
iii) Pomerania
iv) Bialystok Region
v) Bocko
vi) Giby
vii) Silesia
viii) The Case of the Sixteen
ix) Soviet Control 1945-56
Excerpt from: Surviving the Polish Underground
Soviet Tentacles
The Post War Stalinist Era in Poland
Suffering Hidden for 60 Years: Imprisoned Mothers
Excerpt from: Null and Void
The Polish Army in the Soviet Union
This document includes:
The breakdown of the units of the Polish 1st Army
The battles fought by this army
The casualties suffered
This document includes:
Key dates and events from the war
Key dates and events affecting Poland in the post-war years