Published Articles and Reports
Stalin and the Poles 1941-47
Antony Polonsky published in the European History Quarterly
Painful Pasts and Useful Memories
Remembering and Forgetting in Europe - a CFE Conference paper.
Beyond Transition?
Memory and Identity Narratives in Eastern and Central Europe - a CFE Conference paper.
Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
The Role of the Personal Factor in Success and Failure of the Grand Alliance.
Stalin at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences
Published at Project Muse: Scholarly Journal online
The Polish Question at the Yalta Conference
Decade of Deceit
English-Language Press Coverage of the Katyn Massacre in the 1940s - a Conference paper.
The Khatyn Massacre in Belorussia
A Historical Controversy Revisited
The Implications of the Katyn Massacre
Historians have yet to face up to the implications of the Katyn massacre.
1st Polish Armoured Division Report
The Division in Normandy - 1944
Polish Hero: Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski
This report was written by Colonel Mike Russell about the Battle of Arnhem that took place in September of 1944.
The Second Polish Corps, 1943-1946
Were they a Functional Mix of Soldiers, Refugees and Social Workers?
Women of the Polish 2nd Corps
This article describes the different ways in which women served in the Polish Army during WW2.
BBC History Magazine article on 'Anders Army'
Article about the Polish 2nd Corps that was published in the BBC History magazine.
My father and the Polish soldier bear
2nd Polish Corps soldier who cared for Wojtek, the soldier bear who participated in the Italian campaign.
Evacuation to Persia (Iran)
This article was written by Ryszard Antolak about the evacuation of Poles from the USSR to Persia in 1942, and the preparations that were made for their arrival. It also addresses how some of the Polish refugees made a home in Iran for up to 3 years.