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Mieczyslaw JASINSKI
Polish Air Force in the UK
Mieczyslaw was deported to Siberia with his brothers: Tadeusz & Stanislaw, his sister Ludmila (Jasinska) Stelmach, and her son Antoni Stelmach (who later joined the army cadets in the Middle East.

Ludmila (Jasinska) Stelmach
DoB 1906 DoD 1989

Ludmila & Antoni Stelmach

Mieczyslaw's father in WWI uniform

Mieczyslaw's brother Tadeusz also served in the Polish Air Force

Mieczyslaw's brother Stanislaw served in the 2nd Cotrps

Mieczyslaw served in the Polish Air Force in the UK
Ludmila & Antoni UK addresses

Details of Mieczyslaw's PAF/RAF service
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