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civilian exiles

  • Nairobi Red Cross List from 1943  -  18,677 names :  This list includes the Family and Given names, the year of birth, wheere the person was sent, and (in some cases) the date of death.  The list includes persons sent to settlements in Africa, Mexico, the Middle East, England, etc., or who later volunteered for the Polish Forces.  The list was compiled by the Red Cross in Nairobi in 1943.  Polish exiles continued to arrive in Africa after the list was compiled, so it is not an all-inclusive listing.  This list was transcribed from the original list that was published in 1943, and has also been translated to English and reformatted for clarity.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Children at the Pawlodar Orphanage in Kazakhstan_133 names:  The information was sourced from the book: "Fotografia zbiorowa Polakow deportowanych do okregu pawlodarskim".  The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Parent's name, and Year of birth.  (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Children and Staff left USSR with Anders_10,020 names:  The information was sourced from a now-defunct Polish website.  The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Occupation (where applicable), and where the person as sent.  (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • STATISTICS re Poles Evacuated from the USSR:  These statistics are from the book "Uchodzcy Polscy ze Zwiasku Sowieckiego 1942-1950" published by the Institute of National Remembrance in 2003.

  • Polish Exiles in India - 4,863 names:  The information was compiled by the Delegation of the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in 1943 and 1944.  It was reproduced in the book “Poles in India 1942-1948″ published by the Association of Poles in India 1941-1948, and includes index numbers, Family and Given names, and dates of birth.  (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles in India - 3,605 names:  The information was compiled by the Delegation of the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in 1943 and 1944.  This list includes index numbers, Family and Given names, dates of birth,  the place of birth, the names of the person's parents, the last address in Poland, and the address in India.  The original list (numbers 1-3121), dated 1943-11-15, was followed be a supplementary list: (Nos. 3122-3605); next dated 1944-01-31 (Nos. 3606-4075).   The list was sourced from ROPWim, the Iranian Archives (now at IPN).  Please note that the document is not very clear, so it cannot be searched.  You have to go through the list in alpha order to find a name.

  • Polish Exiles in Balachadi, India - 1,058 names:  The information was published by Polish Media in Polska Walczaca (Fighting Poland) in the UK in 1942.  It includes reference numbers, Family and Given names, the father's Given name, and the year of birth. Each series of children's names is followed by a list of their caregivers. The original of this list is located at the Polish Library in POSK and at  the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (PISM) in London, England.   Please note that this list is currently NOT searchable, so you will have to go through it name by name to locate a particular name.

  • Children of Isfahan - 2,373 namess:  This is a list of names of Polish children who left the USSR with the Polish 2nd Corps and ended up spending the rest of the war years at an Orphanage in Isfahan, Persia (Iran).  The list only includes the Family Name and First Name or Initial of each child.  The list was published in the book titled "The Children of Isfahan - Polish Refugees in Iran - Portrait Photographs of Abolqasem Jala - 1942 to 1945"   Please note that this document is not searchable, so you will have to go through it name by name to locate a particular name.

  • Polish Exiles in Uganda, Africa - 6,195 names:  This is a list of Polish exiles who were at settlements in Uganda during WW2  The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Date of Birth, and Settlement Name of each individual. The list was compiled by the East African Refugee Council.    (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles in Tengeru, Africa - 880 names:  This is a partial list of Polish exiles who were at the Tengeru Camp in Tanganyika (Tanzania).  The list is divided by family group, and contains the Family Name and First Name of each individual.  It is believed that the list was compiled by camp administrators, shortly before the camp was closed.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Number of Polish Refugees in Africa as of 3 December 1944:  This chart shows the number of Polish refugees in Africa, as per each settlement.  The totals are divided between the number of Men, Women, Children, and Youth in each of the settlements.

  • Residents of Tengeru Camp in April 1950 - 1,033 names:  This is a list of Polish exiles who were at the Tengeru Camp in Tanganyika (Tanzania) in April 1950, waiting to be resettled.  People had been moved to the Tengeru location as the other settlements in Africa were closed.  The majority of the people on this list subsequently went to the UK on the Dundalk Bay, arriving in Hull in September 1950.  The list is divided by family group, and contains the Family Name and First Name of each individual, their role in the family, and their age.  The list was compiled by the East African Refugee Administration.  The alternate list displays the same names in alphabetical order, for easy searching.  (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles in 1950 in Koja, Uganda - 650 names:  This is a list of Polish refugees who were at the Koja, Uganda settlement in April 1950, waiting to be resettled.  The list contains the Family Name, First Name, age, and family relationship of each individual..  The list was compiled by the East African Refugee Administration.    (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles going to Australia - 754 names:  This is a list of Polish exiles who travelled to Melbourne Australia in June 1949 aboard the USAT General Langfitt ship.  The source of the information is the International Refugee Organisation, Group Resettlement to Australia file.  The list contains the Family Name and First Name of each individual.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles in Santa Rosa, Mexico - 1,463 names:  These Polish exiles were evacuated from the USSR to Iran in 1942, spent some time in various locations in the Middle East then India and, in 1943, arrived at the settlement created for them near Leon, Mexico.  The list was compiled by the Delegate of the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Bohdan Szmejko in 1945.   The list includes index numbers, Family and Given names, dates of birth, places of birth, the names of the person's parents, the last address in Poland.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Hermitage list to Santa Rosa - 751 names:  This list contains th scanned pages of the actual ship's manifest of the first of two shipments of passengers heading to Santa Rosa, Mexico in September 1943.   The list includes Family and Given names, Age, where they lived in Poland, whether they were students or their occupation, as well as identifying family units.  The list was sourced from Family Search.   Please note that this list cannot be searched, so you need to scroll through it manually to find a particular name.

  • Polish Exiles in New Zealand - 837 names:  These Polish exiles (children and their caregivers) were evacuated from the USSR to Iran in 1942, spent some time in various locations in the Middle East then India and, in 1943, arrived at the settlement created for them at Pahiatua, New Zealand.  Most of the children were orphans, although a number of them were later discovered to have a parent serving the Polish Armed Forces and were reunited with the surviving parent.  The list includes Family names, Given Names, Married Names, Dates of birth, Dates of death, and Places of death.  You will find more information about the children at the  New Zealand camp at the following website:   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles in Wabkend Uzbekistan - 266 names:  This is a list of children at the Polish Orphanage at Wabkend, Uzbekistan in 1942, and was compiled by Zofia (Hantz) Morawska.  Her daughter, Barbara Charuba, transcribed the original hand-written list.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles who went from Tengeru AFRICA to Montreal CANADA - 145 names:  In 1948, when the International Refugee Organization (IRO) disbanded all the Polish settlements in Africa, everyone one was sent to Tengeru. Most families were sent to England to reunite with relatives who had served in the Polish Forces.  Some orphans were dispersed to other countries, which accepted them. The group listed here went to Salerno, Italy, under the supervision of Rev, Lucjan Królikowski, where they spent less than 6 months. Their finał destination was Montreal, Quebec, CanadaThe list was compiled by Father Królikowski.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Number of Polish Exiles in Africa as at December 3rd, 1944 - as reported by the Polish delegation in Nairobi.  This file contains numbers and no names. 

  • Polish Orphans in Oudshoorn South Africa - 502 names:  This list includes the Family Name, First Name. Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Father's Name, and Mother's Name, for each orphan.  The source of the list is the Hoover Institute at Stanford University in California.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles arriving in London or Glasgow from Africa  - 2,190 names:  This is a list of those who travelled to the UK from Polish settlements in Africa - primarily the Koja Camp in Uganda, and the Tengeru Camp in Tanzania. (Note:  As camps were closed all over Africa, many were moved to the Tengeru Camp while they awaited reunification with their families). The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Role in the family unit or Profession, the Age, the location in Africa they were travelling from, the ship & the travel date (if known), the final destination address (if available).   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Residents of Husbands Bosworth Resettlement Camp_222 names:  This list of names is from the Book: "Husbands Bosworth Resettlement Camp (1948-58) - Polish Identity in Post-war Britain".   It includes the Family Name and other identifying details, as well as the page number where this individual is mentioned in the book.  You can find the book at the following link: Book    (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Student in Beirut Lebanon_366 names:  This list includes ex-Siberian deportees who ended up studying in the Middle East.  The list includes the Family Name, First Name, the name of the Institution, the subject studied, the year of graduation (if any), and any further studies (if any).  The list was compiled by J. Jackowski & A. Kazimierski.  (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Student at Digglefold School in Africa_330 names: The list includes the Family Name, First Name, and the class(es) attended.  The list was provided courtesy of Irena KRZYSKOW-WALLACE.  (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles arriving in the UK at various ports_1,358 names: The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Age, Family relation, Occupation, the Ship traveled on, the From location, and the Destination (where available).  The information was sourced from Family Search.    (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles arriving in the UK at Liverpool_4,670 names: The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Age, Description/Occupation, the Ship traveled on, and the date.  The information was sourced from Family Search.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles arriving in the UK at Southampton_8,770 names: The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Age, Description/Occupation, the Ship travelled on, and the date.  The information was sourced from Family Search.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are used in this document). 

  • Polish Exiles arriving at Southampton UK from Africa  - 1,217 names:  These are scans of the original ship manifests from May 1948 on the Carnarvon Castle.  There were 451 passengers from Durban, Rhodesia, and 766 passengers from Mombasa Tanganika, for a total of 1,217.  These scans were sourced from Family Search.   Please note that this document cannot be searched, so you have to scroll through page by page to find a particular name.

  • Polish Exiles arriving in New Zealand in 1946 - 32 names : The list includes the Family Name, First Name, Age, Date, , and the Ship traveled on..  The information was sourced from Family Search.   (Note  Polish diacritic letters are not used in this document). 

  • Hodgemore Resettlemrnt Camp Fesidents  - 171 names : The list includes the Family Name, Initials, and Unit number.  Source:  The list was compiled compiled by Amersham Rural District Council.

  • Polish Exiles in KIDUGALA, East Africa _ 812 names : The list includes the Family Name, First Name, and Date of birth (where available).  Source:  The list was extracted from the Nairobi Red Cross List above.




More lists will be added, as they become available.

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