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Aleksander TOPOLSKI
Polish 2nd Corps

1914 June - Topolski parents about the time of their marriage

1936 Topolski's mother Henryka, his older sisters Hania, Maria in Horodenka

1937 Aleksander Topolski, age 14, in school uniform in Horodenka

1938 Horodenka high school cadet corps on Polish Independence Day Nov 11 (Topolski furthest right)

1939 04 Topolski (crouching left) with fellow cadets

1939 04 Topolski (center) with school friends during weekend maneuvers in Horodenka

1939 07 Topolski at 16 visiting Gdynia

1939 07 Topolski Polish naval base at Oksywie in Gdynia - Polish destroyer Blyskawica in the background

1939 08 View of Horodenka towards the Armenian Church

1939 12 11_on the day he was captured by Soviets

1939 Envelope of letter to his mother from Soviet authorities denying clemency

1939 Note to his family that Topolski tossed from prison truck in snowy Tarnopol

1941 Poles line up to register for Polish Army

1941 Polish military cemetery (First Signals Regiment) in Katta Alekseyevskaya Uzbekistan

1941 typical scene of ex-prisoners deportees getting bread rations after signing up for Polish army

1942 Sulek Michal school friend from Horodenko

1942 Qizi Ribat - Lt Wojciechowski

1942 08 Cadet Officer Topolski in Pahlevi

1942 Wieliczko, ?, Aleks, Ryszard Winowski

1942 Zosia Skarżeńska,Qizil Ribat,Iraq

1943 09 Barbara Camp study tents

1943 Aleks, uncle Jozef Kazak, Lt Berezowski

1943 10 Class "K" at Camp Barbara Polish Hugh School

1943 Aleks hands General Anders a telegram at Camp Barbara (the General later signed the photo)

1943 Roman Bader, best friend from home, in Palestine

1943 field kitchen, Qizil Ribat

1943 Michał Sułek, ?, plut. Zaborowski, Jurek Sułek, Hen Malysiak, Zbyg Stobra

1943 Polish military cemetery in Rehvoth - Most died in car accidents

1944 03 Roccamandolfi, Lt Grot standing

1944 02 Official portrait, Rehovot

1944 05 Alex in Napoli

1944 06 Aleks in Potenza Picena

1944 Lala Domiszewska

1944 Staff Sergeant Karol Szlamka

1944 Staff Sergeant Golebiowski,

1945 02 20 Aleks on his 22nd Birthday

1945 02 20 Matera, Italy

1945 04 Henryk Henkel and Aleks in Faenza

1945 06 Napoli: Aleks, Witold Skibinski, Jurek Horodynski, Stan Zielinski

1945 08 Borrowed accordion north of Ancona

1945 09 General Alexander, General Anders at Monte Cassino

1945 10 Last camp during Italian Campaign near Imola

1945 Marysia, Lucyna Stachowska, Aleks

1946 Polish military club in Rome

1946 Aleks in London

1947 Aleks in London

1947 Roman Bader awarded Virtuti Militari

1948 Aleks in London

1947 London - Hampton Heath

1948 Dec. - Uncle Kozak's camp near Manchester

1948 Dec. - Uncle Kozak's camp near Manchester

1948 Lt Bolek Sawicki from Horodonka

1949 London

1970 05 Explaining the battle to his wife Joan

1970 05 Rome with Joan

1994 Aleks at Monte Cassino

2004 11 11 in Chelsea, QC Photo by Carole Decker

Aleks with maps for his book

Alex in December 2014

Certificate for Monte Cassino Cross

Certificate for 1939 Campaign Medal

Aleks' book:
Without Vodka

Aleks at a book signing for
"Without Vodka"

Bez Dachu = Without a Roof

Aleks' journey
Photos courtesy of Joan Eddis-Topolski
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